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Smart Liposuction for Men in Palm Beach

Smart Liposuction for unwanted body fat from the Male anatomy. SmartLipo Palm Beach offers cutting-edge SmartLipo laser lipolysis for men.*

  • Sculpt Chiseled Abs, Waist, and Back*
  • Turkey Neck, Abs, Love Handles – All treated successfully*
  • Removes Fat cells from problem areas*
  • Safe, Gentle, Non-Invasive Procedure
  • Fast Recovery – Back to Work in a Day*

Removes up to 28 times more fat than CoolSculpting for the same Cost!*
Walk In & Walk Out. Back to Work in a day
No Scarring, Minimal recovery
Performed Under Local Anesthesia – Not General to be Safer

Dr. Avron Lipschitz, MD is a Johns Hopkins trained, board-certified plastic surgeon serving the Treasure Coast and Palm Beach communities. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the largest and most prestigious organization of plastic surgeons in the United States. ,

Liposuction for Men Differs from Women’s Liposuction

There are differences between liposuction for men and liposuction for women. The main difference is where the fat is. Fat deposits settle in different parts of the male body. Men mainly suffer from fat deposits in the abdominal area, torso, chest and back.

For men with those stubborn areas of fat, Smart liposuction can be the alternative. Smart Liposuction can easily and quickly reduce the waistline in both thickness and size, showing off more of the six-pack abs that most men want. Additionally, Smart liposuction removes the fat cells, meaning that they will not grow back in the areas from which they were removed.Smart Liposuction in general is most often used on areas of a man’s body where fat deposits are the most stubborn to trim down no matter how much exercise and diet.*

There are different types of abdominal fat. Visceral fat is inside the abdominal cavity and not directly under the skin, liposuction can not remove visceral fat. Beer bellies typically are mostly visceral fat. Conversely, fat that lies directly under the skin is a great liposuction.

Dr Avron Lipschitz is a Board certified surgeon with a unique practice based on his refined aesthetic acumen and advanced surgical techniques. Cosmetic surgery is both an art and a science and Dr Lipschitz believes that natural and long-lasting results can only be achieved through surgical expertise and a dedicated, life-long passion.

Men are far better off with Laser Lipo (Laser lipolysis) over traditional liposuction. The Smart liposuction laser causes fat cells to rupture and break up and then cells then are suctioned out. Smart liposuction is best for pockets of localized fat cells. Additionally the laser portion of the procedure also tightens skin.*

Smartliposuction Palm Beach has a focus on Smart Lipo for men.

Our Laser Liposuction treatments are perfected for men who wish to get rid of fat that has settled in certain areas of their body, defying both exercise and weight watching. If you have areas with excess fat which refuses to respond to diet and exercise, you may be a prime candidate for Smart Liposuction.

The procedure is minimally invasive, utilizes local anesthesia, and is painless. It has been proven to be effective at body sites which had proved hard to treat through conventional liposuction and Smart liposuction techniques.*

*Your results may not exactly match the results shown in the above video. Every individual is different and results will vary. (see site footer for more information)*


Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) Gynecomastia is a common condition. Many men are faced with the issue of enlarged chests from excess breast tissue. This condition can cause embarrassment and make even simple clothing choices painful. If you are afraid to wear t-shirts or remove your shirt at the beach because you feel like you have women’s breasts it is time to take action. Now more than ever, people are taking advantage of sophisticated new laser liposuction techniques to treat this condition. This is an embarrassing genetic condition that will not go away with diet and exercise.*

How is the procedure performed? For most men with gynecomastia, the breasts simply contain fat deposits. Fat removal with laser liposuction can be an effective treatment for this kind of gynecomastia.

Male breast reduction is performed using tumescent anesthesia. Laser Liposuction is usually the treatment of choice although sometimes excess glandular tissue may be the cause and this requires a different procedure. In some men where the breasts contain not fat but glandular tissue liposuction is less effective in these cases because the procedure cannot remove glandular tissue. In these cases a plastic surgeon can treat this type of gynecomastia by making small incisions to remove the glandular tissue.

This procedure leaves you with a more sculpted, well-defined manly physique.
Usually lasting only an hour, our male chest liposculpture procedure reduces fat and tightens skin leaving a more defined, masculine physique.*

Smart liposuction is performed with tumescent (local) anesthesia on the chest area so you are not under general anesthesia. Patients are back at work in one to two days.

Why male breast liposuction?
Male breast reduction boosts confidence, promotes a more masculine physique, and makes buying well-fitting clothes easier.*