Male Breast Reduction for Gynecomastia

Male Breast Reduction (Gynecomastia) may be treated with Smart Lipo Laser Liposuction and be very successful in many cases. Gynecomastia is a common condition. Many men are faced with the issue of enlarged chests from excess breast tissue. This condition can cause embarrassment and make even simple clothing choices painful. If you are afraid to wear t-shirts or remove your shirt at the beach because you feel like you have women’s breasts it is time to take action. Now more than ever, people are taking advantage of sophisticated new laser liposuction techniques to treat this condition.

How is the procedure performed?

For most men with gynecomastia, the breasts simply contain fat deposits. Fat removal with laser Smartlipo laser liposuction is a very effective treatment for this kind of gynecomastia. This allows us to remove the fat in a much less traumatic fashion..

Male breast reduction is performed using tumescent anesthesia. Laser Liposuction is usually the treatment of choice although sometimes excess glandular tissue may be the cause and this requires a different procedure. In some men where the breasts contain not fat but glandular tissue liposuction is less effective in these cases because the procedure cannot remove glandular tissue. In these cases a plastic surgeon can treat this type of gynecomastia by making small incisions to remove the glandular tissue.

  • This permanent procedure leaves you with a more sculpted, well-defined manly physique.
  • Usually lasting only an hour, our male chest Liposculpture procedure reduces fat and tightens skin leaving a more defined, masculine physique.
  • Smartlipo is performed with tumescent (local) anesthesis on the chest area so you are not under general anesthesis
  • Patients are back at work in one to two days.
Male Breast ReductionMale Breast Reduction Before AfterTreatment for GynecomastiaBefore and After Gynecomastia Treatment

Gynecomastia TreatmentBefore After Male Breast Reduction