What is Cellulite?
Cellulite is caused by factors outside your control and can not be addressed through diet and exercise or fade creams. Cellulite is a structural problem below the skin which is why you need a treatment that attacks the structural problems beneath the skin that cause cellulite.
Reaction™ The new generation in body contouring & skin tightening treatments.
Reaction™ offers multiple treatment applications for the industry’s most-wanted aesthetic treatments:
- Cellulite treatment
- Circumferential reduction
- Skin-tightening for aging & lax skin on the face and body
- Skin tightening treatment for appearance of stretch marks
Reaction™ combines the mechanism of advanced RF energy and vacuum therapy that work with the body’s natural regeneration process to deliver safe and efficient treatments for cellulite, body contouring and tightening of the skin.
Before and after photo*
Unlike any other system, Reaction™ is powered by patented CORE™ technology featuring 3 distinct RF modes as well as an innovative 4th dimension - multi-channel mode – that simultaneously incorporates all three treatment modes
CORE™ empowers Reaction™ with the ability to deliver safe and effective treatments with superior treatment control, precision targeting and broader dermal penetration for maximum results in minimal time.*
Simultaneously, the unique vacuum therapy maximizes the penetration of RF energy in the treatment area and also increases local blood circulation, stimulates lymphatic drainage and assists in the shrinkage of fat cell
Aging, hormones, genetics and dramatic weight changes can all play a role in the appearance of cellulite. These factors can cause connective tissue bands under the skin to stiffen and the fat cells they surround to become larger and push up into the skin. And that creates the “cottage cheese” effect you wish you could eliminate, which is even easier to see if you have thin skin.
You can’t control these factors, regardless of how many miles you run or salads you eat. But you can control how you treat cellulite. Many other anti-cellulite treatments focus on cellulite superficially, applying treatment above the skin. Only Cellulaze treats the fibrous bands beneath the skin, while also thickening and adding elasticity to the skin.